In 2016, Sport Literate released A Proficiency in Billiards, a collection of a dozen of my travel memoirs and award-winning non-fiction. 

The following is a list of publishing credits, i.e. stories, essays, articles, and memoirs that have appeared in books, journals, and magazines over the years. “The Train to Harare,” on post-colonial African independence, has been published in numerous books, journals, and awards lists.  

Mystery Tribune, Fall 2018, “A View in the Moonlight” – boys in trouble

Retreats From Oblivion, Oct. 2018, “Border Feud” – Anglo-Latino strife in California, 1963

Flyfishing & Tying Journal, 2nd Place, Sheridan Anderson 2018 Short Story Contest for “Yellowtail Blues,” self-discovery in Mexico (due out in 2019)

Better Than Starbucks, Oct. 2018, photo images from the Okavango Delta

The RavensPerch, March 2018, “Bouncing Off the Bottom”

The Soul of a Great Traveler (2017, Solas Travel Writing Grand Prize Winners)

The Library Book (2017, Centenary Volume)

A Proficiency in Billiards (2016, Pint-Size Publications or here)

Best Travel Writing, Vol 11 (2016, anthology) (2016, travel memoirs)

Evening Street Review (2016, war-time commentary)

Negative Capability (2016, short fiction)

Sport Literate (2016, sports/travel memoir)

Tales to Go (2015, near-death travel memoir)

Solo Novo (2015, literary criticism: poetry)

Solo Novo (2013, politics/travel memoir)

Askew (2011, poetry)

NewBorder (2011, poetry)

The Roar (2011, sports journalism)

Seven Paths to Poverty (2010) *

The Packinghouse Review, (2010, fiction, excerpt from Beachtown Blues)

The Santa Barbara Independent (2010, political/sports journalism)

New Millennium Writings (2009, poetry, travel memoir)

upstreet (2007, travel memoir)

City Works (2007, short story)

SeaSpray Magazine (1997, sports journalism)

Voices of Survival (Capra Press, 1986)**

* Capital-markets expert Gary Byrne, PhD, and I co-wrote and self-published Seven Paths to Poverty in 2010, a financial management tool for young adults.

** This anti-nuclear weapons essay appeared in Voices of Survival alongside those of Carl Sagan, Indira Gandhi, Pope John Paul, and the Dalai Lama on that topic.