Books by Lance Mason

A Proficiency in Billiards

Like legions of other itinerant seekers, Lance Mason has backpacked and motorcyled the world, crossed the oceans on freighter ships, seen how the rest of the planet lives. He’s got tales to tell. All traveler’s do; among the peripatetic horde, Mason is among the most gifted writers we’ve encountered. His collection of travel essays, “A Proficiency in Billiards: Reflections on a Well-Traveled Life,” recounts some of his best stories (of the thousands he’s surely witnessed) about lands near and far. In addition to having a poet’s eye for description and a novelist’s for story structure, Mason’s mind works like an editorialist, considering an idea — colonialism, say — from unconventional angles, building a satisfying argument that leads to a QED conclusion. Our only quibble with this utterly delightful book is that it’s too short.

Beachtown Blues

“Please accept the enclosed for the purpose of optioning your novel Beachtown Blues (The Killing of Chuy Muro) for the making of a feature film as soon as a screenplay can be approved and production put in place.” – George Cawood, Managing Partner, Framework Studio

The China Contract

“The writing is lean, dark and hard-boiled, tempered with yearning and remorse.  Grabs you from the grisly opening, then propels you on a round-the-world chase.  Hawkins, original character with potential as a series hero — tough, down but not out, easy for any man over thirty to identify with.  Benelli is another very appealing character, and the whole New Zealand mise-en-scene is exotic and compelling.  A writer in the company of John Le Carre and Scott Turow.” — Alan Rinzler, editor of Robert Ludlum, Clive Cussler, Hunter Thompson, Tom Robbins, Claude Brown, Toni Morrison, et al.

“Unique story, unique setting—Mason is the perfect man to tell it.  Characters are cinematic, prose locks you in for the full ride.  Few writers can match his chops in bringing the international police procedural to America.  From the assassination-by-decapitation in the opening scene straight through to the all too credible finish, The China Contract touches all the bases and then some.”  — Gene Riehl, former FBI agent and author of QUANTICO RULES and SLEEPER (St. Martin’s Press)

Seven Paths to Poverty

“An insightful mirror for becoming prosperous [and] to avoid the pitfalls that keep people from personal and financial success.  An ideal gift for students or recent graduates.  Compelling–an important contribution to the “Poor Richard” tradition.”  — Robert M. Fulmer, Ph.D., The Leadership Advantage; Academic Director, Duke; Prof. Emeritus, Wm. & Mary

On Shorter Literary Works

“Your Grand Prize Bronze story “The Train to Harare” will be posted on and as the Editors’ Choice on  Congratulations for such a great story.” – Larry Habegger, Executive Editor, Travelers’ Tales (2016)

“Yessir! Poems were a hoot – they’re in.” – Kenny B, Editor – Decasp

“‘The Get-Away Man,’ has been selected [for] upstreet No. 3.  CNF Editor Harrison Fletcher and I both think it will make a wonderful addition to the journal.” – Vivian Dorsel, Editor, upstreet Magazine

“Loved ‘A Proficiency in Billiards’ for The Packinghouse Review.  It’s a cool have-a-beer-and-read-something-entertaining kind of story.” – David Dominguez, Editor, The Packinghouse Review

“‘My Sweater’ has won a Commended Award in this year’s contest.  Congratulations!” –  John Reid, Judge, Tom Howard Poetry Contest (2007)

“Lance, really enjoyed “Mexican Bones.”  I would like to publish it in the inaugural issue of NewBorder.” – John Olivares Espinoza, Poetry Editor (2012)