Great Endorsement for “A Proficiency in Billiards”

From Michael Konik, author, media genius: Like legions of other itinerant seekers, Lance Mason has backpacked and motorcyled the world, crossed the oceans on freighter ships, seen how the rest of the planet lives. He’s got tales to tell. All traveler’s do; among the peripatetic horde, Mason is among the most gifted writers we’ve encountered. His collection of travel essays, “A Proficiency in Billiards: Reflections on a Well-Traveled Life,

The Second Coming

It's probably still The Initial Coming, as my first blog foray came to naught.  I got tied up with self-publishing and then launching SEVEN PATHS TO POVERTY with my co-author  Gary Byrne, learning more about the Expresso Machine, a UCLA teaching assignment, stumbling through some investments, falling off my bike, getting back on my bike, going to Spain, failing to fix the leak in my car's windshield washer tank, worrying about my tomatoes, harvesting my Ja...